
FEMA’s Multifamily Lease and Repair Program

    To help families in need, the Louisiana Housing Corporation (LHC), in partnership with the Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP) and Louisiana Disaster Housing Task Force (LDHTF), is working to collect and share vital information about available housing units in communities hit hardest by the recent hurricanes. 


    As someone with extensive knowledge about multi-family, single-family, and mobile homes in your community, the State of Louisiana needs your help with identifying vacant units in your community.

    The requested information is separated into the following two categories:

    1. Occupancy Ready Units: This is simply an appeal to help us identify available rental housing units for those impacted by Hurricane Laura and now Delta.
    2. Units in Need of Repair: By participating in the Federal Emergency Management Administrations (FEMA) Multi-Family Lease and Repair Program (MLRP), eligible participants may qualify to receive financial assistance to repair rental housing. At a minimum, the property and property owner must meet the following requirements to participate:

      1. have previously been used as multi-family rental housing;
      2. be located in an area impacted by a major disaster or designated for IA under a major disaster declaration;
      3. be located within reasonable access to community and wrap-around services such as accessible public transportation, schools, fire and emergency services, grocery stores, etc.;
      4. be available to be leased for FEMA's exclusive use as temporary housing for eligible applicants for a term of no less than 18 months from the date of declaration;
      5. agree to allow FEMA to make reasonable accommodation and/or modification repairs or improvements during the term of the lease agreement without requiring FEMA to remove the improvements at the end of the lease agreement; and
      6. provide all property management services, including building maintenance, except where the property is leased or contracted from another government entity, in which case FEMA may directly provide such services.

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      Recovery Programs