
Permanent Supportive Housing Program

LHC’s Commitment

In keeping with its mission to ensure that every Louisiana resident is granted an opportunity to obtain safe, affordable, energy-efficient housing, the LHC offers information on the Permanent Supportive Housing Program

Read on for more information on the program.

Program Overview

Permanent supportive housing is a proven, effective means of reintegrating individuals from vulnerable backgrounds into the community by addressing their basic needs for housing and providing ongoing support. This includes those exiting institutions, chronically homeless people, highly vulnerable homeless families, and individuals with psychiatric disabilities or chronic health challenges.

The Louisiana Permanent Supportive Housing model combines deeply affordable rental housing with voluntary, flexible and individualized community-based services to assist people with the most severe and complex disabilities to live successfully in the community. PSH is not a new model of housing. Successful efforts to create PSH units in numerous states have been well documented over the years, and a significant body of research has proven that successful outcomes for people and cost savings to government are achieved through the PSH approach.

Louisiana’s PSH goal is truly ambitious and far-reaching. Rather than simply creating 3,000 PSH units, Louisiana has set out to create the nation’s first comprehensive PSH system that helps the State achieve several important policy objectives, including:

  • addressing chronic homelessness;
  • reducing the unnecessary confinement of people with serious disabilities in nursing homes and other high-cost restrictive settings;
  • and improving the state’s fragile behavioral health system through the implementation of evidence-based models of housing and services.

Louisiana's Permanent Supportive Housing program includes supportive housing services. 


If you are interested in applying for the Permanent Supportive Housing Program, please contact the Louisiana Department of Health (LDH) at 1-844-698-9075. You may also visit LDH Permanent Supportive Housing website for additional information and resources.

Louisiana Balance of state continuum of Care

The LA BOCSOC program provides permanent housing in connection with supportive services to homeless people with disabilities and their families. Learn More


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